Welcome to week 1 of Lore hour! Today, we’ll be focusing on the Kingdom Hearts Universe and diving into the eyes in particular. This is what I’ve noticed and what I’ve learned in my years of being an uber fan of the series. Here’s what I can teach!
“Eyes are a window to the soul” – Peng Liyuan
In this game, the developers took his saying to a very serious level. You can easily see where allegiances lay with just a look into someone’s eyes.
Blue has always been thought to have been a warrior of light or someone with a lot of light in their heart. Sora, Ventus, Roxas, Aqua, and over half of the princesses of light has blue eyes. These are typically the people who are always seeing the best in others even when the average person would not.
Orange/Yellow has in the past been seen as the seekers of darkness or someone with deep ties to the darkness. Xehanort and all of his ‘norts are the ones we mainly see with this eye color.
Green is a color we’re seeing more and more. As it’s about half way between blue and yellow, it’s normally seen as someone who’s been in both worlds or who could have an affinity with both worlds. The most commonly pictured with green eyes are Riku and Lea/Axel.
Brown is a color that’s not explained very well to be honest. It’s closest to the eye color of darkness, but there are princesses of light with brown eyes. The thought of the majority is its similar to green eyes, able to live in both worlds.
Silver eyes are extremely rare and are not really seen until Birth by Sleep with Eraquis and again in Kingdom Hearts 3 with Young Xehanort. It’s not well known as to why both of them have silver eyes and why Xehanort’s eyes turn later.
“When the heart is full, the eyes overflow.” – Sholom Aleichem
A couple of other things that I’ve noticed and my own thoughts on the matter.
Blue eyes seem to be the easiest to change. Even Sora’s flicker from bright crystal blue to having hints of green throughout the entirety of Kingdom Hearts 3. When he’s going through a really hard time, you can see a ring or tinge of green in his iris, showing hints of his pain and doubt. Once his faith in connections and light is renewed, it’s back to the pretty blue that we know and love.
Orange eyes we don’t truly know the full origin of them. They are said to be with those connected to the darkness, but the only ones we’ve even seen with orange eyes have been influenced by Xehanort, or whoever influenced Xehanort, by them. I personally think there is another piece at play that we don’t know about, and I think it links into the Master of Masters and the original Union Leaders. I think there is a very specific reason why we never see their faces. Also fair to be noted, Ansem the wise/DiX, the actual Ansem not Xehanort/Ansem from Kingdom Hearts 1, also has orange eyes. From my understanding on him, his eyes turned when studying the essence of the heart and he had embraced the darkness to do so. Ansem himself had not turned evil and had not been ‘Norted. Part of me still questions that origin because most recent game stated there was a girl who had lost their memories that was being tested on. There are a lot of different speculations as to who that could be; Skuld, Streletzia, Ava, or any other Dandelion that may not be known.
Green eyes seem to have a particular trait to the two that we know. One started with blue eyes, another with teal; both decided to go down a dark path to protect someone they cared deeply about; both saw what damage the darkness can do to the people around them and found their way back towards the light and choose to be a guardian of the light while they still have deep connections to the darkness. These two are Riku and Axel/Lea. I find the similarities in their stories uncanny if you look at just the base logistics and if I’ve learned anything in this story line is there are absolutely no coincidences.
Brown eyes are not nearly as common. There are a couple of Princesses of Light who have brown eyes, Braig, Xigbar/Luxu, has brown eyes before the Nort happens, and mostly just normal friends on the side. What I’ve deduced from these people and looking at their stories is people who have brown eyes are still technicially in the light, but can have darker tendancies. Look as Princess Jasmine, she’s a princess of light, but she can be very stubborn and mean at times. The game shows the kinder, princess raised side of Jasmine she’d be expected to show the people of her nation to see (i.e. when Sora comes to help in Kingdom Hearts 2), but we also know from the movie that she isn’t afraid to fight back with what she knows are her strengths, her beauty and sex appeal when getting Jafar’s attention. Braig, as we now know, is Luxu, who was suppose to be the only one to survive the first Keyblade War. His task was to watch over the worlds to make sure that the light survives and No Name continues to be passed down to capture the future. All good intentions, but the taking other peoples bodies, taking over their lives? Not good actions.
Silver eyes are the rarest of all, I can only recall two people in the entire series who have had silver eyes. Young Xehanort, we see this even in the Re:Mind trailer, and Eraquis, he has silver eyes even as an old man. My thoughts on this eye color specifically is a little out there, it hear me out! I believe that the silver eyed people are ones who are being trained as a neutral Keyblade wielded, not of light, not of darkness. They are a guardian of the worlds themself and the balance to make sure that not one side gets too strong. Too strong of light creates deeper and deadlier darkness and too much darkness will snuff out the light. The world we see them at when they’re young is Scala ad Caelum, the world from which all are born, as Xehanort states. We also know this is Daybreak Town from the final battle with Xehanort. This would have been the main hub for all the keyblade wielders who had their memory wiped after the Keyblade War and who continued. As the masters could no longer make new Chirithy for those who began learning the ways of the Keyblade, that’s why the master/apprentice relationship began. The Land of Departure is another world that we know is in perfect balance. My thought that’s a little out there is when Eraquis and Xehanort were training, as they became masters they were given a world to guardian and keep in balance.