You can easily get through the game without having to do any additional boss fights and still be going swimmingly. Like many JRPG games, there are not so hidden boss fights with various different means to go through. I’ll be rating the boss fights in terms of difficulty, niche-ness, and the strategy I used to go through not dying!
Kurt Zisa – Agrabah
- Difficulty – 2/5
- Niche-ness – 2/5
In my opinion, Zisa is the easiest out of the optional bosses in this game. There are three-ish phases and the way this boss will fall into the next phase is very easy to predict and have a proper outcome. First of all! The set up: Make sure that you are balanced with both magic and attack and you have healing items on you. We don’t necessarily have a need for mana items too much in this fight.
Phase 1! Kurt Zisa will hit you with what looks like a little dark orb. This orb means no magic! You cannot cast a thing. This is why I mentioned items earlier, this is your only way of healing in this fight (minus Goofy’s ability but I don’t remember if this counts as “magic” as Goofy isn’t a magic user). This phase is straight forward – there are two lock on points, hit them until they drop green orbs. Once they both fall – we’re onto Phase 2!
Phase 2! Kurt Zisa will start spinning like a saw blade with it’s two swords out aiming for you. It will start spinning either vertically or horizontally and then on it’s next pass it will switch to the other. It will do this for just a couple of passes. Now, can you attack it during this phase? Technically, yes. Do you want to? No. Typically when you have something resembling a saw spinning toward your face, the last thing you want to do is attack it. This phase is preservation. And onto the next!
Phase 3! Kurt Zisa will create a bubble around it and fly far away from you, spawning fire and tornados to stop you from getting close. As Phase 1 was physical themed, this is definitely magic themed! I used fire pretty exclusively in this part of the fight as it has a very large range and it is homing as well. You can choose to use another spell it is suits your fancy, but for me Fire worked best. Now, if you run out of mana, don’t fret! Glide on over to Zisa and give it a couple of wacks! The bubble will drop mana bubbles. You’ll only be able to get a couple of hits in before it flys away again, but that should give enough mana for a spell or two more! Do keep in mind, your spellcasting hitting the bubble also has the same effect, so trying to keep in the same line as Zisa as you follow is helpful as well.
Phantom – Neverland
- Difficulty – 2/5
- Niche-ness – 3/5
Now, Phantom is fairly niched, but it’s also very simple once you get it down!
Ice Titan – Gold Match Coliseum
- Difficulty – 3/5
- Niche-ness – 3/5
Sephiroth – Platinum Match Coliseum
- Difficulty – 5/5
- Niche-ness – 4/5
??? – Hollow Bastion
- Difficulty – 5/5
- Niche-ness – 5/5