Hello again!
Today we’re going to go a different path. I recently had a friend of mine pick up this amazing game for the first time ever! He’s been a follower of this blog since I began, so I thought I’d try out something new:
What do expect when you pick up Final Fantasy X?
Here goes!
What was the hardest thing to get use to?
The hardest thing to get use to was not just charging forward. There are some bosses that if you tried to just use the easy card, Aeons, you’d find yourself in a world of hurt on some of the trickier bosses. I remember I was stuck on Mount Gagazet with that Seymour fight and the Guardian fight for a while I had to level my people up instead of relying on my Aeon’s Overdrives.
What was your favorite character to fight with?
In early game? Tidus and Auron, they hit hard and fast and it makes fiends go down nice and quick. In late game? Yuna, Rikku, and Auron are my main team. Their Celestials were super easy to get, they all become really quick once you get them through a good chunk of the sphere grid, and they all hit like tanks in their own way! Rikku with speed, Yuna with Magic, and Auron with normal attacks!
Where is your favorite grinding area?
The Monster Arena was my item grinding area, in terms of levels and gil, Omega Ruins completely. I love to hunt those Mimics!
Anything you wish you had known before you got into the game?
Take your time and explore every nook and cranny. Finding out after a difficult boss fight there was a chest with a Mega Phoenix that would’ve saved you so much headache? That would’ve been super helpful.
What’re your thoughts on the battle mechanics? This was the last Final Fantasy game that still featured turn by turn battle mechanics.
It’s defiantly nostalgic, but doesn’t require fast thinking. I’m the type of playing that needs a really fast paced environment, like fighting with the Witcher 3 where if you’re not quick you can die super quick. Also, in late game, it seems like such a major ramp up once you get the Monster Arena up and running with all the new fiends it’s difficult to get to killing those easily. Once you do though, it’s super fun to just go and kill everything!
Blitzball – yes or no?
Heck yeah! It was a nice break in the action of the game itself and the rewards were really nice when the Monster Arena was still too hard. The only thing that was a bit annoying was once you got a really good team, no one stood a chance and it make everything a little too easy.
Favorite Aeon and why?
For fighting? I’d probably say the Magnus Sisters or Anima. Anima you still have full control over, but the sisters have three different pieces for attacking. I’ll choose one over the other just based on how much I need to strategize over just overpower. For appearance? Ifrit, hands down. In all the Final Fantasy games Ifrit has been my favorite, the way they not only made him but his Fayth look was so incredible.
Favorite Overdrive and why?
Rikku’s Mix, I know, I know! Not what you were expecting? Hear me out! While everyone’s overdrive is great and can do some massive damage, Rikku’s is not only destructive but versatile. I need a super heal? Rikku. I need a defense boost? Rikku. Anything I need I can get with her Mix as long as I know what to mix together.
What required boss fight did you have the hardest time getting past?
Hmmm.. this is a great question.. I would have to say Yunalesca. I fought her a couple of times before I got past. I thought at first I had to have zombie protection in order to survive, well zombie is the only way this early in the game to survive the full team Death that she casts, and to figure out how to survive that took me a couple of times of dying too! Yunalesca was the worst.. and best!