Project Diva is a game that doesn’t require a whole lot of strategy to be honest. It’s a very straightforward rhythm game that you can go through the game fairly easily. There are a couple of things to know that can make the gameplay a tiny bit easier!
What are gifts?
Gifts are items you get after playing songs. The harder difficulty you go through the song well, the more items you get. Easy I think is max two, Medium is max three, Hard is max 4, and Expert is max 5. Certain songs only drop certain gifts so you have to make sure you’re playing a variety of songs.
Each gift has a category that it fits in.
Having a good friendship with your vocaloid also helps your song ratings. Remember those star notes? They increase in value the higher your friendship is with your vocaloid! That being said, it’s not always easy to get up their friendship.
Here’s the items each of our dear Divas love:
- Vegetable Juice
- Melon Soda
- Spaghetti
- Rice Omelet
- Yakitori With Negi
- Cookies
- Cream Puff Tower
- Candy Can
- Cake Assortment
- Birthday Cake (Miku)
- Miku Figurine
- Moving Hachune Miku
- Mikudayo Figurine
- Stuffed Cat
- Hachune Miku Felt Doll
- Pylori Miku Felt Doll
- Surprise Alarm-Dayo
- Eek, a Leek!
- Leeksaber
- Pom-Poms
- Miku Stacking Blocks
- Box o’ Leeks
- Digital Sign
- Mounted Bear Head
- Jack-o-Lantern
- Miku Decal
- Miku Poster
- Premium Miku Poster
- Hatsune Miku Banner
- Hachune Miku Banner
- Miku T-Shirt
- Green Glow Stick
- Xylophone
- ‘Cosmic Diva’
- ‘Out 39th Annual Meeting’
- Classic Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Cookware
- Green Flower Vase
- Milk
- Orange Juice
- Pork Buns
- Rice Omelet
- Cookies
- Gingerbread House
- Cream Puff Tower
- Orange Jelly
- 10-Scoop Ice Cream Cone
- Candy Can
- Cake Assorment
- Birthday Cake (Rin and Len)
- Rin Figureine
- Moving Hachune Miku
- Mikudayo Figurine
- Stuffed Rabbit
- Larval Rin Felt Doll
- PyloRin Felt Doll
- Surprise Alarm-day
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Fortune Box
- Rin Stacking Blocks
- Mounted Bear Head
- Rin Decal
- Rin Poster
- Premium Rin Poster
- Kagamine Rin Banner
- Rin T-Shirt
- Orange Glow Stick
- ‘99 Percent Rin’
- Classic Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Cookware
- Yellow Flower Vase
- Milk
- Orange Juice
- Pork Buns
- Hamburger
- Pizza
- Tuna Shushi
- Donuts
- Orange Jelly
- Banana Muffin
- 10-Scoop Ice Cream Cone
- Candy Can
- Birthday Cake (Ren & Len)
- Len Figurine
- Stuffed BEar
- Shiteyan’yo Felt Doll
- Larval Rin Felt Doll
- PyloRin FElt Doll
- Surprise Alarm-dayo
- Juggling Beanbags
- Building Blocks
- Cat Toy
- Eek, a Leek!
- Toy Hammer
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Magical Silk Hat
- Fortune Box
- Handheld Game-Console
- Next-Gen Gaming Console
- Red Mini Itasha
- Mini Roadroller
- Project DIVA Arcade Machine
- Hand Fan
- Rin & Len Rackets
- Basketball Hoop
- Bicycle
- Len Stacking Blocks
- Mini TV
- Suit of Gold Armor
- Suit of Silver Armor
- Rocking Horse
- Box o’ Leeks
- Flower Wreath
- Mounted Bear Head
- Mounted Deer Head
- Rin & Len Hina Dolls
- Miku Weather Doll
- Flipped Weather Doll
- Tanabata Ornament
- Beach Ball
- Tsukimi Dumplings
- Len Decal
- Len Poster
- Premium Len Poster
- Kagamine Len Banner
- Tako Luka Banner
- Larval Rin Banner
- Len Fan
- Black Hand Mic
- Karaoke Set
- Yellow Glow Stick
- White Guitar
- Black Guitar
- Snare Drum
- Bass Drum
- Xylophone
- Tambourine
- Trumpet
- Speakers
- Guitar Amp
- Wall-mounted Speaker
- Mixing Board
- Sunflowers
- Tulips
- ‘Cosmic Diva’
- ‘Len-timental Feelings’
- Classing Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Fishbowl (Black Fish)
- Cookware
- Cooking Pans
- Green Flower Vase
- Cream Soda
- Iced Coffee
- Sake Set
- Energy Drink
- Tea Set
- Takoyaki
- Rice Omelet
- Tuna Sushi
- Tuna Carpaccio
- Endless Soba Set
- Charcoal Grill
- Macaroons
- Strawberry Shaved Ice
- Gingerbread House
- Birthday Cake (Luka)
- Luka Figurine
- Stuffed Rabbit
- Tako Luka Felt Doll
- Pylori Miku Felt Doll
- Tuna Body Pillow
- Surprise Alarm-dayo
- Russian Nesting Dolls
- Toy Fishing Rod
- Purple Mini Itasha
- Luka Stacking Blocks
- Glass Lantern
- Yarn Basket
- Bonsai Tree
- Alarm Clock
- Kitchen Timer
- Refrigerator
- Washing Machine
- Decorative Plant
- Apple Tree
- Cactus
- Offertory Box
- Octopus Pot
- Treasure Map
- Cork board
- Flower Wreath
- Christmas Stocking
- Luka Decal
- Luka Poster
- Premium Luka Poster
- Megurine Luka Banner
- Shiteyanyo Banner
- Tako Luka Banner
- Luka T-Shirt
- Silver Hand Mic
- Voice Training Book
- Pink Glow Stick
- Keyboard
- Violin
- Metronome
- Old School Radio
- Jukebox
- Language Learning Lady
- Classic Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Sketchbook
- Art Gallery Book
- Calligraphy Paper
- Game Show Placards
- Telescope
- Fishbowl (Red)
- Fishbowl (White)
- Knitting Kit
- SLR Camera
- Cream Soda
- Energy Drink
- Pork Buns
- Hamburger
- Pizza
- Tuna Sushi
- Seafood Stew
- Endless Soba Set
- Charcoal Grill
- Donuts
- Taiyaki
- Strawberry Shaved Ice
- Ice Cream Cup
- 10-Scoop Ice Cream Cone
- Birthday Cake (Kaito)
- Kaito Figureine
- Stuffed Bear
- Tako Luka Felt
- Shiteyan’yo Felt Doll
- Surprise Alarm-dayo
- Eek, a Leek!
- Paper Fan
- Purple Mini Itasha
- Project DIVA Arcade Machine
- Bicycle
- Kaito Stacking Blocks
- Black Telephone
- Electric Fan
- Suit of Gold Armor
- Suit of Silver Armor
- Totem Pole
- Wooden Bench
- Offertory Box
- Kaito Snowman
- Kaito Decal
- Kaito Poster
- Premium Kaito Poster
- Kaito Banner
- Kaito Fan
- Black Hand Mic
- Song Book
- Voice Training Book
- Blue Glow Stick
- White Guitar
- Black Guitar
- Contrabass
- Conga Drums
- Speakers
- Guitar Amp
- Wall-mounted Speaker
- Mixing Board
- Tulips
- Daisies
- ‘Ice Cream V3’
- ‘Crazy Creator’
- Classic Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Calligraphy paper
- Compass
- Fishbowl (Black)
- Bale of Rice
- Cookware
- Hot Plate
- Ice Cream Machine
- Single Rose
- Pink Flower Vase
- Vegetable Juice
- Sake Set
- Energy Drink
- Tea Set
- Takoyaki
- Spaghetti
- ice Omelet
- Seafood Stew
- Macarons
- Taiyaki
- Cream Puff Tower
- Chocolate Cordials
- Birthday Cake (MEIKO)
- Meiko Figurine
- Stuffed Cat
- Hachune Miku Felt Doll
- Surprise Alarm-dayo
- Building Blocks
- Paper Fan
- Purple Mini Itasha
- Dartboard
- Meiko Stacking Blocks
- Yarn Basket
- Bonsai Tree
- Alarm Clock
- Microwave
- Washing Machine
- Electric Fan
- Wooden Bench
- Offertory Box
- Cork board
- Flower Wreath
- Mounted Bear Head
- Tsukimi Dumplings
- Meiko Decal
- Meiko Poster
- Premium Meiko Poster
- Meiko Banner
- Meiko Fan Happi
- Microphone
- Silver Hand Mic
- Karaoke Set
- Red Glow Stick
- Bass Guitar
- Keyboard
- Snare Drum
- Violin
- Contrabass
- Pianica
- Xylophone
- Maracas
- Jukebox
- Tulips
- Daisies
- ‘99 Percent Rin’
- ‘Ever So Tipsy’
- ‘A Real Angel-dayo’
- ‘Rule 1: Be Cute or Get Out’
- Classic Cloud Ornament
- Cute Cloud Ornament
- Cool Cloud Ornament
- Elegant Cloud Ornament
- Quirky Cloud Ornament
- Art Gallery Book
- Game Show Placards
- Telescope
- Fishbowl (Red)
- Bale of Rice
- SLR Camera
- Yellow Flower Vase
- Pink Flower Vase