Final Fantasy X’s Sphere Grid was a new way of leveling that not only broke away from the traditional leveling system, but also made it possible to get super strong super fast! Trickiest part? Finding the spheres needed in order to continue!
Basic Activation Spheres
These spheres are the ones that activate a node you’re either on or one space away. These are red in color in your item inventory.
- Power Sphere – Drop from enemies with high strength stats or when Extract Power abilities are used.
- Mana Sphere – Drop from enemies with high magic stats or when Extract Mana abilities are used.
- Speed Sphere – Drop from enemies with high speed stats or when Extract Speed abilities are used.
- Ability Sphere – Drop from enemies with fairly level stats, typically a harder enemy in the area or when Extract Ability abilities are used.
- Fortune Sphere – Rarest of all of the basic activation spheres, in early game is only found in treasure chests. After it is a drop from the Earth Eater, a tough Original Creation fiend created at the Monster Arena.
Key Spheres
Certain moves or paths are typically unavailable due to a Key Sphere being locked in the way. In order to get past these, you need a Key Sphere to open said lock that matches the level the key is. They are a gray color in your inventory.
- Level 1 Key Sphere – Drops commonly from Master Coeurl and rarely from Puroboros and Sand Worm. You can also Bribe an Imp for 17,600 gil to get 4 of them.
- Level 2 Key Sphere – Drops commonly from Defender Z and rarely from Tonberry and Varuna. You can also Bribe a Behemoth for 460,000 gil to get 30 of them.
- Level 3 Key Sphere – Drops rarely from Defender Z, Behemoth King, Demonolith, and Machea. You can also Bribe a Demonolith for 900,000 to get 40 of them.
- Level 4 Key Sphere – Drops rarely from Land Worm. You can also Bribe a Chimera Brain 196,000 gil for 2 of them.
Stat Spheres
When you have an empty node, whether it’s from a key node unlocked or just a random empty one on your path, you can fill it with a Stat Sphere. These spheres will make the empty node into whatever stat characteristic is on the sphere. It is typically a higher amount of said stat (HP is at +300 rather than +200) These spheres are purple in your inventory.
- HP Sphere – Drops commonly from Ironclad.
- MP Sphere – Drops commonly from Vidatu.
- Strength Sphere – Drops commonly from Juggernaut.
- Defense Sphere – Drops commonly from Tanket.
- Magic Sphere – Drops commonly from Jumbo Flan.
- Magic Defense Sphere – Drops commonly from One-Eye.
- Agility Sphere – Drops commonly from Fenrir.
- Evasion Sphere – Drops commonly from Pteryx.
- Accuracy Sphere – Drops commonly from Hornet.
- Luck Sphere – Drops commonly from Greater Sphere.
Advanced Activation Spheres
These spheres are handy if you’re trying to activate a move from really far away. Because of how handy these spheres are, they’re typically a little harder to get. These sphere are yellow in your inventory.
- Attribute Sphere – You can only Bribe a Maelspike for 200,000 to get 1 of these.
- Special Sphere – You can only Bribe an Adamantoise for 1,360,000 to get 6 of these
- Skill Sphere – You can only Bribe a Zu for 240,000 to get 2 of these.
- White Magic Sphere – You can only Bribe a Dark Flan 320,000 for 2 of these. If you’re playing the original, it is 128,000 for 1.
- Black Magic Sphere – You can only Bribe a Black Element for 152,000 for 1 of these.
- Master Sphere – This is an extremely rare sphere that will only drop from he Dark Aeons and Penance. If you really want to max this out, theoretically you could by using the Yojimbo trick,
Movement Spheres
These spheres help you move around the sphere grid a lot faster. Again, same with he advanced activation spheres, as these are super helpful, they are harder to find! In your inventory these will be a light blue color.
- Return Sphere – Drops rarely from Barbatos. You can steal from Greater Sphere for the chance to get one. You can also Bribe 1 from Dark Element for 36,000 gil or 24 from Mandragora for 620,000 gil.
- Friend Sphere – Drops commonly from Vorban and rarely from Master Coeurl and Spirit. You can steal from Neslug for the chance to get one. You can also Bribe 3 from Coeurl for 150,000 gil.
- Teleport Sphere – Drops commonly from Sleep Sprout and rarely from Master Tonberry. You can steal from Th’uban for the chance to get one. You can also bribe 20 of them from Barbatos for 1,900,000 gil.
- Warp Sphere – Drops commonly from Nemesis, can also be stolen from Nemesis. You can also bribe 1 from a Master Coeurl for 260,000 gil.
Clear Sphere
Clear sphere is in a category of it’s own. These spheres are purchasable only through the Monster Arena and only once you have captured at least five of every fiend.