Getting all of your Dex filled in Pokémon Sword/Shield gives you an amazing item for grinding, but in order to get there you have to do a little archeology. Let’s get into the need to knows!
There are four different fossils you’ll have to find:
- Fish
- Bird
- Dino
- Drake
These four fossils can be dug up by the Digging Bros by the second Pokémon Nursery in Bridge Field. You can also find a couple of them around the world.
Now, Sword players and Shield players have opposites in terms of the more common fossils.
- Sword = Bird / Dino are common. Fish / Drake are rare.
- Shield = Fish / Drake are common. Bird / Dino are rare.
If you’re digging with the brothers, these will be the most common ones you will see. The Stamina Bro (The one on the right that says that their stamina can’t be beat) can only dig up the fossil that is common for your game. The Skill Bro (The one on the left that says their skills can’t be beat) can dig up uncommon to super rare items as well.
You can also find a couple of the items as well in the Route 6 before Stow-on-Side and the Dusty Bowl, as well as a couple of Fossils by talking to the guy inside the PokeCenter on the left, he should be wearing a gray shirt.
You’ll need two of each of the fossils, which doesn’t sound like a lot but you will need a whole lot of watts to get the rare ones!
- Dracozolt – Bird / Drake
- Arctozolt – Bird / Dino
- Dracovish – Fish / Drake
- Arctovish – Fish / Dino
Once you have the fossils to make the Pokémon listed above, you can find Cara Liss, Pokémon professor, in Route 6 by Stow-on-Side. She’s right by the Pokémon camp so you can take a taxi there for quick travels.