I first heard about this Bloostained from a friend who keeps much more up to date than I on the political side of the video game world. He had been telling me that there was a game out now that felt almost identical to a game I grew up watching my brother die all the time playing? I knew I had to get it.
I’ve had the game for about a week now and have put a couple of hours into it so far. Here’s my take aways being in just enough to start getting side quests, but not beyond the second boss.
Weapons on weapons and magic on magic
There are a TON of different play styles you can have with this game. From mainly magic based to going Chun-Li and having super powered kicks. You can wield a massive claymore or be at a range with a pistol. Every enemy will drop a different shard, which has a different spell. The possibilities are enough to mix and match for a good chunk of time and each boss fight seems to favor one weapon/magic combination over the others. If you’re stuck on a demon or a boss, try a new combination!
Dodging and jumping are the single most important mechanics to get down in a fight.
I cannot stress this enough, dodging is so super important. So is jumping. Not getting hit? Kinda a major part of the game. Beyond potions and food, the only way to heal that I’ve found so far is being by a save room that has a healing couch. So keeping your health as long as you can is a pretty smart thing to do. That being said, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. Many demons will hurt you if you so much as touch them and when you’re still getting use to the controls it can be real hard to not get too close. Learning when to jump and when to dodge, when to crouch and when to attack quickly to kill whatever is trying to kill you, these will all be super valuable skills for staying alive for longer than a couple of rooms.
Quests seem to be linked together
All of the side quests I’ve done so far seem to grant you rewards to give to another. There’s one point where I was able to turn in three quests with one person, two more with another from the items I got from the first, and two more with a third with the items I got from the second. If you can’t find an item for a quest, don’t fret! You may get it’s from completing a different quest.
Bookcases will give super important info
I’ve found throughout the world you can find bookcases. I’ve found various different things from these bookcases. Special moves you can do for additional damage to hints to the story to alchemic books. Try to read all the bookshelves because I have a thought there’s a lot more than what I’ve found so far.
Save. Save often.
If you have the unfortunate chancing to have the boss best you, but you hadn’t saved in an hour? Guess what? Everything that wasn’t saved is gone! This game follows the original rules when it comes to video games – No Autosaves, No Restores, No Continues. So if you die? You’re progress is gone. Save. Save. SAVE!