Art by Rytellia
Hey all!
I don’t know about you, but looking ahead I’m thinking September is going to be just a tad busy in the Pokémon world. We have a Community Day coming up real soon, the Ultra Bonuses, AND the Special Research I’m sure most are still walking with their Feebas for? Decent chunk!
Here’s what you need to know so you don’t get caught in the dust:
Community Day: Featuring Turtwig! September 15th
Quick synopsis for those who do not know: Turtwig is a starter grass type from the Sinnoh region. The fact that it’s a starter will make it a little tougher to catch.
Here’s what I do to prep for community days of any sort:
- Fill your bag with as many items as you can carry
- If your bag gets full? Look at getting rid of some of the items you don’t need (I will typically go for the Potions and Super Potions first because on a normal day I have over 100 Max Potions in my bag)
- Stock up on candies! These events will give you a special move that will turn even an ok 3 star Pokémon into a powerhouse.
- If you have an external power pack, charge it up and bring it with you! We all know Pokémon GO is a battery drainer, but 3 hours straight? Annihilation. Be prepared.
- Water and snacks are a must! If you community day like I do, you’ll be up on your feet walking about for 3 hours straight. Even a small snack to revitalize will be enough to keep you going.
Couple of other things to note about this community day in particular, it’s earlier than we’re use to! Instead of starting at 3-4 PM local time, it’s starting at 11am. My guess as to why? Make sure people are out in the nice part of the day instead of during dinner and missing out on a meal or family time.
This is also the absolute BEST time to get shiny Turtwig! Instead of being a lime green color, it is a bit more teal. Not a massive shift, but enough you can easily tell the difference. Kind of in the same ballpark as a Treecko shiny, close but easily distinguishable.
Stardust will be tripled for catching Pokémon during this time, so catch EVERYTHING you can because as we all know Stardust is the more precious item in this game and it’s the biggest grind to get a lot.
Also, if you’re able to evolve a Torterra through this day, you will get an exclusive move that Torterra has not had in the past and will only get during this even and 1 hour after the event ends. I don’t believe that this moment the move is announced, but there is a decent amount of other bloggers thinking it’s Frenzy Plant, which other grass types have had on Community day.
Special Research: A Thousand-Year Slumber
Now, this isn’t technically an exclusive for the month, however it is a good one to talk about because it’s brand new!
Every year during GO Fest they have had a different mythical Pokémon for catching in a quest line. Year 1 was Mew, year 2 was Celebi, year 3? It was Jirachi’s time!
The Wish Pokémon, Jirachi, is known to sleep for a thousand years and can only be awoken if you sing to it in a voice of purity. It’s known as the Wish Pokémon because it’s said to be able to make any wish come true.
Here’s what you need to know for the quest line A Thousand-Year Slumber to get your own Jirachi! I’ve also put in the rewards for each mission.
1/7 (Moss Lure, Glacial Lure, Magnetic Lure)
- Catch 25 Pokémon (XP)
- Spin 10 Pokéstops (Jigglypuff)
- Make 3 new friends (Feebas)
2/7 (Stardust, 10 Pokéballs, 3 Incense)
- Catch 3 Whismur (Whismur Candy)
- Evolve a Feebas (XP)
- Get a gold medal for the Hoenn Pokédex (XP)
3/7 (20 Silver Pinap berries, 3 Star Pieces, Stardust)
- Take a snapshot of Lourded (Snorlax)
- Make 3 Great Throws in a row (XP)
- Earn 3 candies walking with your buddy (XP)
4/7 (Fast TM, Premium Raid Pass, Charge TM)
- Catch 50 Psychic or Steel type Pokémon (XP)
- Power up Pokémon 10 times (XP)
- Send 10 gifts to friends (XP)
5/7 (3 Rare Candies, 20 Ultra Balls, Stardust)
- Battle a team leader 3 times (Kricketune)
- Win against another trainer 7 times (XP)
- Win 5 raids (XP)
6/7 (10 Silver Pinap Berries, 10 Star Pieces, Stardust)
- Take 5 photos of Steel or Psychic Pokémon (Chimecho)
- Make 3 Excellent Curveball throws (Bronzong)
- Spin a Pokéstop 7 days in a row (XP)
7/7 (Jirachi!)
There’s no additional tasks, they are auto completed once you catch Jirachi.
Couple things to keep in mind when starting this quest line:
- Feebas is a monster to attempt to get from no candies to 100. It’s a 5k distance for one, so be prepared you may be stuck on Step 2 for a little while if that’s the case for you.
- The three Great throws in a row can be any type of throw as long as it gets a rating of Great or higher (Excellent counts too). If you are a Spinda hunter and have your curveballs down? This should be a walk in the park for you!
- Catching 50 Pokémon may take a day or so, especially if you’re not one who has a huge amount of time to dedicate to this amount. Be patient, when those types pop up use a higher Pokéball than you normally would and drop a candy. It could make the difference between a catch and a flee.
- Battling with a friend could be something super easy or super tricky. I play in a community where people gather all the time to do raids and help each other with tasks. Most cases, if you find another GOer and you let them know what’s up? They’d love to help. I’ve never encountered someone who’s been rude about it, even when I have been turned down.
- 3 Excellent Curveballs, yeah, you read that right. Curveballs have always been my bane but I’m getting better! I find it easier with the Pokémon that are bigger and closer (Like Snovers) or medium sized and medium ranged (Like Whismurs). Take your time, watch the circle, drop a Nanab, it will help!
September Ultra Bonuses!
Now for the biggest and best part of the post: Ultra Bonuses!!
This is our rewards for completing all the little side events that have been thrown our way during GO Fest. this is also a great way to build up your masses of strong and rare Pokémon.
Here’s the run down by week:
Week 1 is Johto week!
- Incubators are twice as effective this week
- Shiny Sentret and Shiny Gligar!
- Legendary cats will be back! Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. (Yes they’re cats, I’m willing to fight on this, bring it on)
- UNOWN!!!! Letters A, L, R, T, and U will be in 10k eggs! Which with the incubator effectiveness will bring it to 5k. Time to get active trainers~!
Week 2 is Global!
- Incubators remain twice as effective through this week as well
- EX-Raid Exclusive Deoxys, the DNA Pokémon, will be in raids ANYONE can join. Not just those invited or those with a Ultra Friend who invited them. Every form they have will be available for raiding this week.
- Regional Kanto Pokémon will be in 7k eggs, which will actually be 3.5k. Yes, we’re talking aboutFarfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mine, and Tauros! If you’re like me and don’t get to travel internationally much at all, this is your time!! Fill that Dex! Piece to know on this one, it seems like this has an expiration for if you do not hatch get egg in time. If the 7k egg is not hatched by September 23rd, you lose that spawn! So get rid of all your 7k eggs from 09/09-09/16 immediately!
Week 3 is Unova! Unova is the land that was explored in Pokémon Black and White. This is the first time we’ve been seen Pokémon from this region starting to show up!
- Incubators continue through week three with double effectiveness
- Klink, the Gear Pokémon, will be appearing in Raids and your an find a Shiny in raids too!
- Patrat and Lillipup are also on the shiny table too!
- And finally, the icing on top: Mewtwo is back! Mewtwo will join raids once more, but this time with Psystrike! Aaaand, shiny chances! Yay shinies!!