Last week, I went into the Celestial Weapons for Final Fantasy X and where to get all the pieces to power them up. More critically, I went into how difficult it is to get all the pieces. Some of those sigils are actually pretty tough to get.
This week, I’m going over what do to what you can’t stand getting hit by one more lightning bolt because Lulu’s Sigil is just driving you insane! I’ll break down how to customize each of the abilities that you can put on the weapons and advise tweakings here and there for each character.
Couple of disclaimers to start: These methods take a HUGE mount of grinding and is best done in late game and may require a decent help from Aeons at first, especially if you do not have any of the celestial weapons. This will also be very heavy in the Monster Arena so you may need to go and capture a whole butt load of fiends first.
I’ll be laying out which of the skills in the customizable weapons that I’m more likely to use and which are more for specific times. Also, Break Damage Limit and Triple Overdrive are just a standard must with everyone. If we’re talking late game? Yeah, needed! AP, though, I’ll typically leave off. If I’m grinding levels, I’ll use a different weapon, that way I’m more efficient and can fit more of the types of attributes that come in handy.
Tidus’ Caladbolg mostly chocobo based in getting, the Sigil is a bit tough to get. Here’s the abilities and the items needed in order to get a make-shift version!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- Evade & Counter (80%) 1 Teleport Sphere
- Magic Counter (80%) 16 Shining Gem
Yuna’s Nirvana is actually one of the easiest Celestials to get, hardest part is in the Aeon battles. Sometimes I make her a side weapon just because I try to change up the abilities the weapon gives. Here’s how to make a make-shift version!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- One MP Cost (100% Must Have) 30 Three Stars
- Magic Booster (80%) 30 Turbo Ether
Wakka’s World Champion is not necessarily difficult to get, but it is time consuming. First of all, you need to have a great blitz team. After that you have to keep playing until you see the Sigil. It can take hours, not going to lie. If you’d rather grind your way there, here’s how you can make a makeshift version!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- Evade & Counter (80%) 1 Teleport Sphere
- Magic Counter (80%) 16 Shining Gem
Lulu’s Onion Knight is the only Celestial weapon I’ve never gotten to 100% and it’s completely and totally due to those lightning strikes. On the original version, it was a little easier just due to the response time. The Remaster version makes it a bit harder, I’m not sure if it was recoded to me more random or what but I have noticed that my tactics with the lightning strikes don’t seem to work now. Anyway, here’s how you can create your own make-shift version without getting super crispy!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- Magic Booster (80%) 30 Turbo Ether
- One MP Cost (100% Must have) 30 Three Stars
Kimarhi’s Spirit Lance isn’t too hard to get, but those butterflies can be difficult to get down. If you’re having trouble and want to just kill your way to a like weapon, here’s the deets!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- Evade & Counter (80%) 1 Teleport Sphere
- Magic Counter (80%) 16 Shining Gem
Auron’s Masamune is almost as easy to get as Yuna’s Nirvana, however, it is nice to be able to go in and customize the specifics to your choosing. Here’s how to get a like model!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- First Strike (60%) 1 Return Sphere
- Counterattack (30%) 1 Friend Sphere
- Evade and Counter (80%) 1 Teleport Sphere
- Magic Counter (80%) 16 Shining Gem
Rikku’s Godhand is easily one of the most used weapons in my arsenal when it comes to one specific ability: Gillionaire. When it comes to late game anything, you need Gil to proceed. This ability helps you get Gil soooooooo much faster it’s insane. But if you need to make a model without, here’s what you’re looking at!
- Break Damage Limit (100% Must have) – 60 Dark Matter
- Triple Overdrive (100% Must have) – 30 Winning Formula
- Double AP (50%) 20 Megalixir
- Triple AP (60%) 50 Wings to Discovery
- Gillionaire (50%) 30 Designer Wallet
- Evade and Counter (80%) 1 Teleport Sphere
- Magic Counter (80%) 16 Shining Gem