Genshin Impact has an ever growing list of characters to play as, each as unique as the different areas they all come from. Each city has a major inspiration from a place in our real world to tie to the cultural differences between nations and how they can coorolate and differ.
Mondstadt is the City of Freedom and home to the Anemo Archon, Barbatos. While there is not a confirmation as to where this area was inspired from, it has heavy German influences in the architecture as well as the people, names and mannerisms. The Anemo Archon does hide his identity and goes by Venti to the rest of his people.
For our 5 star characters in Mondstadt, we currently have 6.
- Jean, Anemo Sword
- Diluc, Pyro Claymore
- Mona, Hydro Catalyst
- Venti, Anemo Archer
- Klee, Pyro Catalyst
- Albedo, Geo Sword
- Eula, Cryo Claymore
Every single character has the exact same format for ascension. Elemental crystals, a boss material, a monster material, regional material. It’s this exact amount for every character.
- Elemental Crystal Sliver 1
- Elemental Crystal Fragment 9
- Elemental Crystal Chunk 9
- Elemental Crystal Gemstone 6
- Boss Material 46
- Lesser Monster Material 18
- Normal Monster Material 30
- Greater Monster Material 36
- Regional Gather 168
- Vayuda Turquoise
- Hurricane Seed
- Hilichurl Masks
- Dandelion Seed
- Agnidus Agate
- Everflame Seed
- Fatui Insignia
- Small Lamp Grass
- Varunada Lazurite
- Cleansing Heart
- Whopperflower Nectar
- Philanemo Mushroom
- Vayuda Turquoise
- Hurricane Seed
- Slime
- Cecilia
- Agnidus Agate
- Everflame Seed
- Samachurl Scroll
- Philanemo Mushroom
- Prithiva Topaz
- Basalt Pillar
- Samachurl Scroll
- Cecilia
- Shivada Jade
- Crystalline Bloom
- Hilichurl Mask
- Dandelion Seed