It was about a year ago that Square Enix released KH Dark Road onto their Union Cross mobile game. Since then, there have been multiple updates in terms of new heartless and new events. I’ve learned a lot to keep myself alive, here’s what I can recommend to you!
Kill heartless by the 1000
You get bonuses every time you kill certain amounts of heartless. They go from the first kill, to the 10th, to the 100th, to the 1000th. Every time you make these milestones, you get not Battle Points, but direct stat increases.
But Ry! What does that mean?
Thanks random voice! That means that even if you don’t level as much as you’d like for killing 1000 Shadows, you will get 4 extra stat increases that will give you that extra edge. Is this time consuming? Very. Do you have to sit and stare at it the whole time? Not at all.
Collect cards by the 10s
Same thing with the killing Heartless bit, every time you collect a card, it will join to it’s like models and become stronger. Once you collect a total of 11, you will have a maxed card. Here, the amounts to gather are a little different then the Heartless kills. You start at 1, then 3, then 5, and finally 10.
But Ry! Why do I need to collect 11 when the max goal is 10!
Great question! Once you get your second card, it adds to the first as ‘+1’, so if you want to have the maxed card, you need the original card and then the 10 power up cards to max it out. Plus then you can do the next thing in the list…
Do NOT turn cards into BP! Shop point always!
Once you have a maxed card, you can no longer collect that card. That doesn’t mean the game won’t still try to give it to you though. Say you have a Soldier +10 card and you get another Soldier card, you will be presented with an option. Turn the card into either a certain about of BP or a certain amount of Shop Points.
But Ry! Why wouldn’t I just go for the BP? It seems like that’s the best way to level!
You would think, wouldn’t you? Here’s the kicker: when you trade a card, you will typically only get like 4K BP from the trade, while you would get 4 Shop Points in the end. For your basic cards, it takes 60 Shop Points to purchase. Once you start getting up into the final levels, it’s 10,000,000+ BP needed to level. So, 12-13 cards can equal 1 extra card that you actually need or it can equal a tiny drop of sand in the ocean of BP you need to level. The minimal stat increase is more efficient here!
Do your dailies, weeklies, and monthlies!
Grinding can be very tedious and can feel like you’re spinning your wheels for so long. It’s no different in Dark Road. The trick of all of them is they’ll do daily events where you can get extra materials, experience, or even limited edition items! Specifically, there is an item called a Golden Key that you can unlock three rounds of special heartless that will give a boat load of Battle Points.
But Ry! I did this and I got 10 normal Shadows and it only gave me 20 Battle Points!
Yeah.. that can happen. RNG (Random Number Generator) is a killer when it comes to grinding, farming, and leveling. But keep in there and you’ll find yourself getting two or even three of the highest BP Heartless in the game! That’ll make this round feel not so bad.