Anyone who’s played the new Pokémon games and even the tiniest bit a collector/customizer will notice very early on – You need a boat load of money in order to do what you want! Need that dapper suit or elegant dress? Battles have gotten rough and you need all the potions? You can see where I’m going here..
There are multiple ways to scrounge up all of the money with not a whole lot of effort – both with DLC and without DLC. Here’s what I can share!
Watts are your absolute best friend! (No DLC needed)
Once you beat the game, the biggest thing you’ll notice is all the raids that pop up. That will be the majority of the end game that you’ll do when breeding and shiny hunting get to be too mundane. Every raid den you initiate without a Wishing Piece, you get watts. You can spend watts like currency to get extra special Pokéballs or spend with the Digging Bros to get fossils and such.
If you go the Digging Bros route, which is not DLC needed, you can get all sorts of high selling items. Selling those anywhere will help get you some sweet sweet cash.
There is another method to get all the cash with watts is buying Luxury Balls and reselling them. You can buy 999 Luxury Balls from the trader right by the Nursery in the Wild Lands and then take them to any Poké Center to resell them. The resell value on them is super high and you can easily get your wallet stuffed with over a million bucks super quick! But you need the watts..
Daily Battles with extra items (Both DLC and Non)
There are so many daily battles you can find around that aren’t too difficult. You have your Cafe battles for the Alcremie sweets, the Chloe battles if you’re ready for a hunt, and refighting the gym leaders and their lackies, and that’s just the non-DLC fights! With the Amulet Charm or Luck Incense equipped, you’ll find for every battle you’ll gain double the money!
If you’re working on leveling up and getting money at the same time or working on getting all your Alcremies, this option is a great way to start!
Stow-on-Side should be a daily visit.. (No DLC Needed)
Every day, the two buff looking NPCs sitting in the middle of the Bazaar in Stow-on-Side will be selling and buying very specific items. One will sell items that are difficult to find in the game, the other will buy items you can get from the Digging Bros or from the Fisher Lady for insane prices. If you’re scrappin’ for cash, this is another thing to add to your daily list.