Getting through Final Fantasy X-2 isn’t too hard at all. To get 100% in Final Fantasy X-2 in one run without a Game Over once? A whole lot harder. I’ve gotten through it a couple of times, both in the original and the remake, and I have a bunch of tips for all of you!
Have at least two save files
Going through the game, you’ll find there are many different areas that do not have full percentage of completion. There is nothing more aggravating then getting an hour and a half of cutscenes and battling only to find out you missed talking to one single person that dropped you .3 of a percentage you can’t even see.
Always always ALWAYS have two save files. One for when you know you’ve grinding and going through the story, and one for when you hit that percentage checkpoint. Once you hit that checkpoint, you can save again on your checkpoint save file and continue on.
Get all leveled up separate from quest lines.
When I start a new run, I make sure that I do my leveling and grinding in areas I’ve already cleared or the Creature Creator. That way, I don’t have hours of leveling at the same time as going through the story lines that needs to be restarted if something does happen.
Leveling up Dresspheres is good, but not during storylines.
When you’re going through the storylines, you need your strongest, heaviest hitting, fasting killing dresspheres. I use leveling time for getting up the dresspheres to make sure I make my storyline time as short as possible, just in case of restarting due to missing percentage points.
Accessories are super important, don’t neglect them.
Accessories can be the difference between life and death in certain situations. You can find two or three Ribbon accessories through the entire storyline, having haste accessories always helps, etc. Taking a bit of time to farm out the best accessories will not go amiss.
Resets and restarts will happen, don’t get too frustrated.
There are some things that just don’t work out the way you’d like; you’re on the first Tobli mission and one of the bandits glitches through the cart and gets away because of it, which will affect your play through percentage. Take a deep breath, and start it again. Especially in the remake, glitches are a little more rare.
I always made it a habit that once a reset happened and I would have to lose hours of work, I’d always take a step away. For this I’d turn off the game, take a walk, do some yoga, play an angrier game to blow off steam, whatever I needed before I was able to tune back into the focus mode.
Don’t neglect the CommSpheres!
The most common miss I ever get is in CommSpheres, which is a pain to go through for minimal dialogue and tiny bits of story, but this will make or break a run so fast. DO NOT just head to the next mission as fast as you can in Chapter 4, do all the CommSphere goodies so you can make sure you are getting your Episodes Completed! Kilika is the most aggregating as it’s easy for you to miss one.
Not everything is counted in your play through.
There are a couple small things that are not counted against you when you go through the game. The abilities in your dresspheres being mastered is one, garment grids obtained, and items gathered is another, minus certain key items. If you never find a Ribbon accessory? That won’t hurt you in the long run. It’s also impossible to get all the Garment Grids and Key Items in one run through, though some Key Items are required for the perfect percentage.