Hello all!
Last week, I touched base on customizing weapons in order to get a close-to celestial weapon. This week, we’ll be discussing the other side of the coin: Defense!
Now, I’ll typically start with my defense first and then go to my attack, but I tend to be a little bit more cautious. This is especially true in long RPG games!
This time, there isn’t going to be a huge difference in each person, because I typically will do about the same for all fo them. Here’s my builds and my reasonings behind!
99 Dark Matter Required
Must have for all characters
Ribbon is easily the single hardest ability to get on any piece of armor and for good reason! It is single handedly the most useful customization to get on a piece of armor hands down! Going through the Omega dungeon and found a Great Malboro? No problem! Bad breath doesn’t stink so bad now does it. Suddenly the need for a quick Esuna goes out the window and gives you the ability to just focus on the killing. This is a must have.
Break HP Limit
30 Wings of Discovery Required
Must have for all characters
Very similar to Break Damage Limit, only kind of in the opposite. This skill needs next to no explanation, so I won’t go in too depth. But yeah.. Get it.
Break MP Limit
30 Three Stars Required
High Demand for magic casters (Yuna and Lulu for sure), but at the end when you have the good equipment, may not be needed
Break MP limit, just as Break HP Limit and Break Damage Limit, is pretty self explanatory. The main reason I have it as high demand and not must have is due to the characteristics of the weapons from the blog post before. Once you have the weapons high leveled with One MP Cost, this skill becomes kind of moot. It’s great to have it, but the chances of you casting your highest spells over 500 times before you see another save spot? Unless you really hate saving, pretty unlikely.
80 Healing Spring Required
High Demand for all characters
Auto-Regen is an amazing ability, because Regen healing you without you doing anything is always amazing. Also, the spell itself just gets nerfed so badly in the next game so you might as well enjoy it here! Only reason I have this as High Demand and not Must Have is if you have Break MP limit or not. For casters, Break MP Limit is more useful that Auto-Regen, especially in the beginning. It’s more useful for the physical attacking classes than the casters.
80 Chocobo Wing Required
Must have for all characters.
Haste is one of my favorite abilities. I love being able to just run circles around an enemy that is too slow to catch me. Having that on automatically is always a must for me, even worth the steep price of getting my tail kicked by that cactuar king hundreds of times.
70 Light Curtain Required
Nice to have for all characters, especially squishy ones
Auto-Protect is last on my list as it is typically not one I use. While the skill itself is super handy being less prone to physical damage, I find myself more often than not siding with one of the skills I listed above.
First Customized Armor
For Tidus, Rikku, Auron, Wakka, and Kimahri
- Auto-Protect
- Auto-Haste
- Auto-Regen
- Break HP Limit
For Yuna and Lulu
- Auto-Protect
- Auto-Haste
- Break HP Limit
- Break MP LImit
My Favorite, Final Armor setup
For everyone, late game
- Ribbon
- Break HP Limit
- Auto-Haste
- Auto-Regen