Ready for a long continuation?
A little bit ago, I talked pretty superficially about the where’s and the what’s with the Aeons. It was more of a paving the way post to make sure when this post comes out, there was a base level of understanding.
If you haven’t read that post, I’d recommend it before you go any further.
Part 1 – Powering up/Attributes
It’s seen pretty often that the more you fight with the Aeons, the stronger they get. Is this random or is this calculated?
It is 100% calculated!
Ever 30 battles won with your aeon, they get a stat boost. This can happen 20 times, meaning 600 battles per Aeon. Meaning, if you’re powering up every Aeon fully before you even start to manually do Attributes, 4,800 is to get EVERYONE to their ‘peak performance’ so to speak.
You can do this a number of ways, but the quickest, easiest? Go to Besaid and run around. You won’t get much experience, but this isn’t about experience, it’s about Aeons winning! After many, many hours of grinding and absolutely slaughtering all of the Dingos, Divebeaks, and Blue Flans, you’ll eventually be there. Can’t really attest to how much sanity you’ll have left though.
From here, you can use left over Power, Magic, Speed, and Fortune spheres to get the rest up. It’s typically about half of what the stat is (If you’re trying to get a stat to 100, about 50 spheres needed) If you’re trying to max them all to 255 across the board, you’re going to be going for even longer than the Besaid Slaughter.
Part 2 – Break Damage Limit
Some of the Aeons, Bahamut for example, already have the ability to Break Damage Limit automatically. For the 5 that do not have this, you need the fully powered up version of a character’s Celestial Weapon in order for it to be able to Break. Most of these are pretty easy to figure out, but I figured I’d put them down anyway:
- Yuna – Valefor
- Wakka – Ifrit
- Kimahri – Ixion
- Lulu – Shiva
- Auron – Yojimbo
Rikku and Tidus do not have an aeon to help break damage because neither of them are Followers of Yevon, Tidus being a dream of the Fayth and Rikku being Al Bhed.
Bahamut, Anima, and the Magnus Sisters all automatically have Break Damage Limit without doing anything special.
Part 3 – New Abilities
Once you beat Belegmine, she will give you the Summoner’s Soul, an item that lets you teach the Aeons new abilities. If memory serves, this is pretty typically right after Djose when you’re walking toward the Moonflow. Here’s all the Abilties and what you need to teach.
Disclaimer, not all Aeons will need to learn every ability. Some of them already know them.
- Dark Attack – 6 Smoke Bombs
- Silence Attack – 3 Silence Grenades
- Sleep Attack – 3 Sleeping Powders
- Dark Buster – 12 Smoke Bombs
- Silence Buster – 10 Silence Grenades
- Sleep Buster – 10 Sleeping Powders
- Zombie Attack – 99 Holy Waters
- Triple Foul – 4 Skill Spheres
- Delay Attack – 30 Silver Hourglasses
- Delay Buster – 30 Gold Hourglasses
- Extract Power – 20 Power Spheres
- Extract Mana – 20 Mana Spheres
- Extract Speed – 20 Speed Spheres
- Extract Ability – 20 Ability Spheres
- Power Break – 8 Stamina Springs
- Magic Break – 4 Mana Springs
- Armor Break – 2 Level 2 Key Spheres
- Mental Break – 4 Shining Thorns
- Full Break – 2 Dark Matters
- Pray – 5 Healing Waters
- Cheer – 5 Power Spheres
- Aim 5 Speed Spheres
- Focus – 10 Mana Spheres
- Reflex – 10 Speed Spheres
- Luck – 2 Fortune Spheres
- Jinx – 2 Fortune Spheres
- Lancet – 20 Soul Springs
- Doublecast – 5 Three Stars
- Cure – 99 Hi-Potions
- Cura – 30 X-Potions
- Curaga – 60 Mega-Potions
- NulBlaze – 2 Bomb Fragments
- NulShock – 2 Electro Marbles
- NulTide – 2 Fish Scales
- NulFrost – 2 Arctic Winds
- Scan – 10 Ability Spheres
- Life – 8 Elixirs
- Full-Life – 1 Megalixir
- Haste – 10 Chocobo Feathers
- Hastega – 16 Chocobo Wings
- Slow – 4 Silver Hourglasses
- Slowga – 8 Gold Hourglasses
- Shell – 4 Lunar Curtains
- Protect – 6 Light Curtains
- Reflect – 3 Star Curtains
- Dispel – 3 Purifying Salts
- Regen – 60 Healing Springs
- Holy – 60 Blessed Gems
- Fire – 1 Bomb Fragment
- Thunder – 1 Electro Marble
- Water – 1 Fish Scale
- Blizzard – 1 Arctic Wind
- Fira – 2 Bomb Cores
- Thundara – 2 Lightning Marbles
- Watera – 2 Dragon Scales
- Blizzara – 2 Arctic Winds
- Firaga – 4 Fire Gems
- Thundaga – 4 Lightning Gems
- Waterga – 4 Water Gems
- Blizzaga – 4 Ice Gems
- Bio – 8 Poison Fangs
- Demi – 8 Shadow Gems
- Death – 30 Farplane Shadows
- Drain – 30 Stamina Springs
- Osmose – 10 Mana Springs
- Flare – 60 Shining Gems
- Ultima – 99 Supreme Gems
Keep in mind, this is a lot to go through for each aeon, but also some of the moves are more pretty specific circumstances. Like I can only think of maybe one reason why Valefor would need to have the spell Life.
Also, Yojimbo and the Magnus Sisters cannot learn any new abilities. This is specifically for Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, Bahamut, and Anima.
Also, I feel like this section is the one to mention this, but you can also get a second Overdrive for Valefor. Once you return to Besaid Village after you get the airship, you can go into the village and speak to the dog (yes, the dog). The dog will then drop the new shiny, and slightly slobbery, overdrive.
Part 4 – Dark Aeons
In the remastered and international versions, there are Dark Aeon bosses. These are monstrously hard and can come out of nowhere if you’re not careful. Here’s where you can find them and how to avoid them if you’re not looking for a battle.
- Dark Valefor – Triggered automatically if you attempt to go back to Besaid Village.
- Dark Ifrit – Triggered if you speak to man by Al Bhed Home entrance in Bikanel Island.
- Dark Ixion – Triggered if you speak to soldier under a lightning tower.
- Dark Shiva – Triggered at the Entrance of Macalania Temple.
- Dark Bahamut – Triggered at the Zanarkand Dome, where you fought Yunalesca.
- Dark Yojimbo – Triggered when going back into the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, go to the final room, and Yojimbo will be standing in the way of you leaving. You have to use the panel to get out if you wish to run.
- Dark Anima – Triggered in Mt Gagazet Mountain Cave, repeat the first trial of Gagazet. Anima will appear then.
- Dark Magnus Sisters – Triggered by speaking with two summoners just north of the Mi’ihen Highroad. If you don’t run immediately, you will have to fight all three. You can outrun them if you’re quick on your feet!
These battles are beatable, but will take a lot of power, planning, and skill to do.